Thank you to Alumundena Lopez for publishing this amazing article about Jean released in Madrid, Spain yesterday.
Wow, I am truly in awe of how many lives Rusty Kanokogi has touched in this world. And now watching Jean Kanokogi working day and night with the same spirit and vigor to fulfill the promise to her mother, to tell Rusty's story from her words. It is truly special to be a part of it all. The best in both Mother and Daughter is their genuine intent to inspire the true of heart to reach higher because you can and to fight for equality because it is just.
Please click on the link below for the article, it is in Spanish so hopefully you have a simple translating program or read the language. It reflect's on Jeans perspective and promotes the 40th Anniversary of the Women's First World Judo Championships.
As an aside, I am sorry I sent out the post three times by accident yesterday. I do not want to flood your e-mail inbox. There was something wrong with the program or could have been the delicious Sake Jean introduce me to yesterday ; ) Thank you for following us. We appreciate it!